A pictorial diary of my walks around the parks and wild areas of Leicestershire, and occasionally farther afield.

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I am also a writer, using the pen-name John Gwynant, and I'll occasionally announce my latest book release on the blog.

Friday, August 9, 2013

High Speed Chick - 8 August 2013

An interesting afternoon at Thornton, as soon as we arrived we heard there was a rare visitor that seemed to have settled at the waterside. A Night Heron, we don't get many of them in Britain, but this one was shy and I couldn't get a picture of him. I did manage to see him through a twitchers scope, but as they are active mostly at night I couldn't wonder that he wouldn't show himself.
1/1600 @ f5.6, iso 400, 400mm
Back at the car park this Great Crested Grebe chick provided us with some entertainment.

1/1600 @ f5.6, iso 400, 400mm
The mother seemed to want to cut the apron strings, but this young un was having none of it and the speed he could travel through the water was amazing.

1/1328 @ f5.6, iso 400, 400mm
She would dive and come up great distances away, the chick would be searching all round for and screaming for her.

1/1328 @ f5.6, iso 400, 400mm
When he spotted her he would swim at amazing speed, he looked like one of those bath time wind up toys as it sped through the water.
1/1328 @ f5.6, iso 400, 400mm

When he found her, she would often dive again and he would be left looking around and screaming
1/1600 @ f5.6, iso 400, 400mm
Eventually he caught her and tried demanding food from her, despite being able to dive and feed himself.

1/1328 @ f5.6, iso 400, 400mm
These birds turned up and the nearest to identifying them I can get is they might be Scaup, but they are a bit dark.

1/1328 @ f5.6, iso 400, 400mm
If you have any suggestions please put it in the comments.

1/1328 @ f5.6, iso 400, 400mm

All taken on
Canon EOS7d with EF 100 - 400mm L series Lens

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